Saturday, March 14, 2009

According to Sen. David Vitter who slept with two Wendys

Original Link:

The Wendy he calls his ‘wife’…

And then there’s Prostitute Wendy who he called ‘Momma, I need my winky rubbed’ while wearing a diaper to have sex with her…

(Notice how much they look alike and how they have the same name? This is the sign of a Professional Cheater!)

Bah hahahahahahahaha! The guy who slept with two Wendys and who (was rumored) wore a diaper when having sex with one of them is now saying it’s Roland Burris who should resign the US Senate, because apparently and according to Sen. Diaper Dave Vitter, Burris is the unethical one! Uh ha. Yeah. Vitter is also saying that sleeping with a prostitute while married and wearing a diaper to boot is not the same as saying, “I made a few phone calls to see if any of them would be willing to hold a fundraiser for the Governor, but the Governor is so disliked that I wasn’t able to raise a dime”!

Honestly, I don’t give a shit at this point if Burris is in the Senate or not, because it’s a positive whether he is or not. Why? Because if he doesn’t remain a Senator, then this will allow the republicans to filibuster everything the Democrats/President Obama want to do and Americans will continue to despise the republicans and kick more of them out come 2012. If he ends up staying (and when Franken gets in), this will give the Democrats the 60 votes they need to keep the republicans from filibustering and this will be a positive for our country. So you see, it’s a win-win no matter what happens to Burris.

I do care about the CONTINUED hypocrisy of right wingers such as Vitter, you know, the guy who should have been THROWN OUT OF THE SENATE AND SENT TO JAIL FOR HIRING A PROSTITUTE AND ADMITTING TO THIS CRIME! For Vitter and the Democrats at this point to spend time on getting Burris out of the Senate when there’s so much more going on right now (economy/Iraq), it’s ludicrous to me. Besides, if the current U.S. Senate is feeling frisky in the need to go after criminals, THEN HOW ABOUT GOING AFTER THE BUSH REGIME AND THE MEMBERS OF IT THAT BROKE LAW AFTER LAW AND COMMITTED CRIME AFTER CRIME? Huh? How about doing that instead, assholes. Spit.

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